Your Puppy’s Leg Is Shaking? [Here’s Everything You Need To Know]…

puppy leg shaking

It’s easy to feel anxious when you notice your puppy’s leg shaking and you don’t know why…

You ask yourself questions like: Could it be something harmless? Or does your fur baby have a serious medical issue?

Well, this article will help you get to the bottom of what’s going on by going over the following information…

  • My Puppy’s Leg Is Shaking – Could It Be Harmless?
  • Concerning Reasons Why Your Puppy’s Leg Could Be Shaking…
  • Why Does My Puppy’s Leg Shake When Sitting?
  • Why Is My Puppy’s Leg Shaking When Sleeping?
  • Why Is My Puppy’s Leg Shaking After Playing Or Exercising?
  • Why Is My Puppy’s Front Leg Shaking When Standing?

In the end, you’ll understand the many potential causes for your pup’s leg shaking, and you’ll know what you should do to address the issue…

Let’s begin by discussing if your puppy’s leg shaking could be harmless…

My Puppy’s Leg Is Shaking – Could It Be Harmless?

There are many reasons why a puppy’s leg may be shaking, and some of these reasons could be cause for concern…

That being said, there are many completely harmless reasons why your pup’s leg might be shaking as well. For example, it could just be that your dog is excited and playful…

Dogs often start wagging their tails furiously when they’re playing with others, and that can cause them to also get extremely excited and start shaking…

puppy front legs shaking

In addition to that, anxiety from being overstimulated by something such as people or other pets coming into your home unannounced…

Or from an unfamiliar noise that’s startling or new furniture you recently bought can also cause a puppy to start shaking…

There is also the possibility that the shaking in your puppy’s leg is just a physical quirk, and even though it might appear odd, it doesn’t indicate that there is anything medically wrong that you need to be worried about…

All that said, the only way to be sure that the shaking is harmless is to contact a vet to discuss the issue…

This is something you’ll certainly want to do because there are several concerning reasons why your puppy’s leg could be shaking.

Concerning Reasons Why Your Puppy’s Leg Could Be Shaking…

Aside from reasons that are harmless, there are many potential reasons why your puppy’s leg is shaking that can be concerning…

Because of this, it’s a good idea to consider the following questions and to contact a veterinarian if you suspect that a medical problem is causing your puppy’s leg to shake…

Does Your Puppy Have Shaking Puppy Syndrome?

Shaking Puppy Syndrome is a condition that causes a dog’s leg to shake due to a nerve problem…

It’s a hereditary issue, and it’s commonly found in Golden Retrievers, Dalmatians, Weimaraners, and many other breeds as well…

A veterinarian will be able to diagnose Shaking Puppy Syndrome by running tests, examining your dog, and ruling other potential reasons for the shaking out…

And fortunately, even though there is no treatment for Puppy Shaking Syndrome, most puppies do recover from the condition by the time they are a year or a year and a half old.

Did Your Puppy Eat Something Toxic?

Another possible reason why your puppy’s leg could be shaking is because he or she has eaten something toxic…

Some puppies are not very picky about what they end up swallowing, and because of this, they sometimes eat things that can be poisoning to them…

If this is the case, then you’ll want to monitor them closely for any of these symptoms in addition to the shaking:

  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • loss of appetite and dehydration  

If your puppy displays any of these symptoms you should contact a veterinarian immediately for guidance…

In most cases, pets will recover from their poisoning after supportive care as long as it’s treated quickly enough…

However, some toxic substances can lead be fatal. So keep a close eye on your puppy, and be sure to talk with a veterinarian if you suspect your puppy ingested something toxic.

Does Your Puppy Have Elbow Dysplasia?

Elbow Dysplasia could also be the reason why your puppy’s leg is shaking…

This is a condition that occurs when a dog’s elbow joint develops abnormal cartilage or other tissue, and it can happen for two main reasons…

why does my puppy's leg shake when sitting

Either your puppy’s bone isn’t growing properly throughout the early stages of life leading to malformation of tissues that join together into bone later on, or it could be from an injury…

The severity of the dysplasia can range from barely noticeable wear and tear to chronic arthritis, which causes inflammation and pain in most of your dog’s joints…

That pain and inflammation could be the reason why your puppy’s leg is shaking, and if you suspect that your puppy is feeling discomfort or pain…

You should contact a vet immediately…

If your dog is in pain, a veterinarian will be able to prescribe anti-inflammatory medication and offer you other treatment options as well.

Does your puppy have Pano?

Panosteitis, which is sometimes just called “pano” or “growing pains” is a bone disease that affects large breed dogs, especially those over 18 months old…

It causes inflammation of the long bones in your pup’s legs or spine, and it can be painful for them to walk on these limbs…

This can cause shaking in a dog’s legs and it often makes their rear end shake too. Pano typically appears as swelling in one or more of your dog’s joints, but some cases don’t show any symptoms at all…

The good news about Pano is that it will eventually go away on its own, but the bad news is that your puppy could be feeling a lot of pain and discomfort…

A veterinarian will be able to prescribe medication that will help with your puppy’s pain, and eventually, the issue will go away.

Did Your Puppy Contract Distemper?

Distemper is another potential reason why your pup’s legs might shake. It’s is a viral disease that affects your dog’s respiratory system…

It also damages the immune and digestive systems and can be fatal if not treated quickly…

Even dogs that recover from distemper can have seizures and muscular twitches and are sometimes left with a chronic cough…

Symptoms of distemper can start appearing two to four weeks after infection and will include fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and high body temperature…

The most effective way to protect your dog from distemper is to have him or her vaccinated and to stay up-to-date with the current canine vaccine schedule.

Does Your Puppy Have General Tremor Syndrome?

General Tremor Syndrome or Shaker Syndrome is another reason why your puppy’s legs might shake…

This is a condition in which dogs start to have involuntary muscle tremors, and the cause for this actually still unknown (although there are some theories as to why it occurs)…

puppy front leg shaking when standing

Shaker syndrome can be treated by a vet with a drug called prednisone, which is a steroid…

Most dogs do really well after being initially treated for this condition, and after that, they can continue treatment into the future with smaller doses of prednisone.

Does Your Puppy Have Other Medical Issues?

There are many other medical issues that can potentially cause your puppy’s leg to shake…

For example, neurological disorders like epilepsy or diabetes could be the cause of the problem…

But also things like Nausea, low blood sugar, low calcium, kidney issues, and high thyroid hormone can all cause your puppy’s legs to shake…

If you suspect that your dog’s leg is shaking because of any medical issue, be sure to contact a vet to discuss the issue…

Frequently Asked Questions…

Why Does My Puppy’s Leg Shake When Sitting?

If your puppy’s leg is shaking while sitting it could be for a number of reasons. It’s possible that he or she is in pain from elbow dysplasia or from a bone disorder like panosteitis. It could also just be due to excitement or nervousness. The best way to know what exactly the issue is is to contact a vet.

Why Is My Puppy’s Leg Shaking When Sleeping?

If your puppy’s leg is shaking while sleeping it could just be because he or she is dreaming. Like us humans, dogs can have very vivid dreams and your dog’s leg could be shaking as he dreams about chasing down tennis balls and barking at other doggie friends.

puppy leg shaking when sleeping

That being said, the shaking could also be a result of eating something toxic or even the movement from a seizure. As always, you should contact a veterinarian if you suspect it might be either of these issues.

Why Is My Puppy’s Leg Shaking After Playing Or Exercising?

If your puppy’s leg is shaking after playing or exercising, it could be due to elbow problems such as elbow dysplasia. It could also be Panosteitis which, as I mentioned earlier, is a bone disorder or growing pains that some young dogs may get. The only way to know for sure why your puppy’s leg is shaking is to contact a vet.

Why Is My Puppy’s Front Leg Shaking When Standing?

If your puppy’s front leg is shaking when standing, it could be that his bones are growing faster than the tendons. It could also be elbow dysplasia, Pano, or one of the other reasons mentioned earlier in this article. As always be sure to contact a veterinarian if you suspect that your puppy has a medical issue.

Final Thoughts…

Your puppy’s leg may be shaking for a number of different reasons, but the most important thing to do is to contact a veterinarian…

With the vet’s help, you’ll be able to determine if the shaking is being caused by something harmless or if it’s because of a medical issue…

If it ends up being something non-concerning, then you’ll be able to rest easy without worrying too much about your pup’s health…

And if it’s a medical issue, the vet will be able to start treating your dog quickly. Either way, it’s probably best to take the cautious approach of contacting a professional.