Can Dogs Eat Trout? [Here’s Everything You Need To Know]…

can dogs eat trout

As a dog parent, you might be pretty cautious about what you feed your fur baby… And that’s OK…

Actually, it’s more than OK, it’s smart…

You see, sometimes our little furry friends just can’t eat the same things that we humans can because they’re built differently…

Just think about some of the classic foods you should avoid feeding your dog like grapes and chocolate…

But can dogs eat trout safely? Or is that also a food you should avoid feeding your dog at all costs?

These are some of the questions we’ll be answering in this article today, and we’ll be doing that by going over the following information…

  • Can Dogs Eat Trout Raw?
  • Can Dogs Eat Cooked Trout?
  • Can Dogs Eat Battered Or Fried Trout?
  • Can Dogs Eat Smoked Trout?
  • Can Dogs Eat Trout Skin?
  • Can Dogs Eat Fish Bones From Trout?

In the end, you’ll know in what situations it’s ok for your dog to eat trout and when it should absolutely be avoided…

Let’s start by discussing if dogs can eat raw trout…

Can Dogs Eat Trout Raw?

This is pretty simple. Your dog should never be given raw trout to eat. The reason why is because raw trout can contain parasites…

In fact, the Rickettsial parasite and Nanophyetus salmincola, can actually cause a disease known as Salmon Poisoning Disease…

can dogs eat raw fish

Salmon Poisoning Disease can occur if your dog eats salmon, salamander, or trout and the symptoms have a wide range of severity…

Some of the symptoms of Salmon Poisoning Disease (SPD) include:

  • fever
  • enlarged lymph nodes
  • muscle pain
  • weakness
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea

Treatment for Salmon Poisoning Disease will probably include the use of antibiotics to help fight infection, and if left untreated, the disease can be fatal to your dog…

If your dog has eaten raw trout, you should contact a veterinarian immediately to discuss the issue and ask for further guidance…

Are There Any Fish Dogs Can Eat Raw?

The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends that you avoid feeding any type of fish to your dog that is raw…

Again, the reason for this is because parasites can be found in the skin, organs, and muscle tissue of raw fish…

In addition to that, bacterial organisms like Salmonella and Listeria are also known to be found in raw fish…

These bacterial organisms can also cause problems for your dog just as they can for us humans. So, never allow your pup to eat raw trout or any other type of raw fish.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Trout?

Yes, dogs can eat cooked trout because parasites cannot survive in the heat that comes from the cooking process…

As a result, it is unlikely for your dog to get Salmon Poisoning Disease if the trout has been fully cooked before he or she eats it…

can dogs eat steelhead trout

In addition to that, feeding your dog trout (and many other types of fish) can be beneficial because they contain lots of nutritious fats and proteins that can help your dog maintain good health…

This includes Omega 3 fatty acids which can help improve a dog’s skin and coat, as well as help control your pup’s weight…

Omega 3 fatty acids can also help with your dog’s joint health and arthritis as well.

Can Dogs Eat Battered Or Fried Trout?

It is not recommended that dogs eat fried fish because even though the high heat kills bacteria and parasites…

…the oil and heavy seasoning can cause gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea.

In addition to that, pancreatitis is another issue that can be caused by your dog eating fried food…

What happens is that the heavy oil and fats can cause your dog’s pancreas to work overtime, which in turn releases enzymes into their bloodstream…

This is also one of the reasons why, even though it can be very tempting, you should avoid giving your dog table scraps from large Christmas dinners as well as other holidays.

Can Dogs Eat Smoked Trout?

Unfortunately, smoked trout is another thing you should avoid feeding to your dog…

Like smoked salmon, smoked trout is cured and that means it contains a high amount of salt…

can dogs eat cooked fish

Dogs should not eat foods that contain a high amount of salt because it makes them more likely to develop Sodium Ion Poisoning…

Sodium Ion Poisoning or “salt poisoning” is when too much sodium causes the cells in your dog’s body to swell and lose water…

This can lead to things like…

  • brain swelling
  • heart problems
  • seizures
  • coma
  • and even death

Aside from salt poisoning, dogs should not eat smoked trout because there is still a small chance that parasites may still be present in it…

So again, cooked trout (usually that is grilled or baked) is the way to go if you intend on feeding trout to your pup.

Can Dogs Eat Trout Skin?

Dogs should not be allowed to eat trout skin if it is raw. Again, raw fish skin can contain things like parasites and bacteria so you’ll definitely want to avoid giving it to your dog…

That being said, cooked trout skin is not only safe for dogs to eat, it can also be beneficial…

It contains Omega-fatty acids that are good for your pup’s fur and skin, and they also help maintain a healthy heart and brain function…

The only thing you need to watch out for is too much salt and seasoning…

These are commonly found on trout skin when it’s prepared for us humans, but as I mentioned earlier, too much salt and seasoning will be harmful to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Fish Bones From Trout?

Just as you shouldn’t feed chicken or steak bones to your dog, you should not feed them trout bones (raw or cooked) either…

Fishbones are fragile and can easily splinter, and they can also be a choking hazard to your dog…

can dogs eat smoked trout

On top of that, they can also cause cuts in your dog’s throat, stomach, and intestines, and if your dog ends up vomiting…

…they can cause cuts and tears in your dog’s gastrointestinal tract on the way back up as well.

Therefore, you should avoid feeding your dog raw or cooked trout with bones, and if your dog does get a hold of trout bones accidentally, be sure to contact a veterinarian immediately for guidance…

Final Thoughts…

So, can dogs eat trout? The answer to that question is not a clear-cut yes or no, but in general, dogs can eat trout…

It all depends on how that trout is prepared. Raw trout may contain parasites and bacteria that could make your dog sick so don’t allow them to eat it…

Cooked trout doesn’t carry these risks and can actually be beneficial to your pup’s nutritional health…

Additionally, you should always check with a veterinarian if anything unusual occurs after your dog eats raw trout or any other food or objects that he should not be eating…

And be sure to avoid allowing your dog to eat any fishbones whether they be raw or cooked because of all the potential medical issues they can create for your pup.