6 Month Old Puppy Peeing In The House Again? [Here’s How You Can Stop It]…

6 month old puppy peeing in house again

House training your puppy can be a daunting task, but if you’re like me, you want to avoid accidents especially inside your home…

And if you have a situation where your 6 month old puppy is peeing in the house again, even after you’ve trained him, then it’s very frustrating and can also be hard to break the habit…

That being said, it is possible to get your puppy properly house trained, and the sooner you address the issue, the quicker you and your pup will be able to move on and start enjoying your time together again…

The first thing you’ll need to do is to figure out why your dog is displaying inappropriate behavior, and we’ll discuss that within in this article…

But before we get into that, let’s discuss how often you can expect your puppy to have to go pee…

How Often Do Puppies Pee?

The easy way of determining how long your puppy can hold his pee is to take his age in terms of months (with each month equalling 1 hour)… And then to add 1 hour to that total…

This rule doesn’t always apply when your puppy is very young. For example, when a puppy is at nine weeks old, he will probably want to pee after every 45 minutes… 

puppy still having accidents at 6 months

But when he is three months old, he can probably hold his pee for about 4 hours. The good thing about this rule of thumb is that it can help you set up a consistent potty time routine with your pup…

To start off with, its a good idea to take your puppy outside to pee pretty frequently, and taking him out both day and night can be helpful too…

As your puppy gets older, he’ll obviously need less frequent potty breaks, so you can start to space them out more…

Once your puppy is 4 to 6 months old, he will have much stronger bladder control. And if he starts peeing in the house again (which can happen)…

You’ll want to determine if a medical issue is causing the incidents to happen or if your puppy was simply not trained long enough to make going pee outside into a long-lasting habit…

Why Do Puppies Pee In The House After Training?

This type of behavior is sometimes called inappropriate urination, and as you can imagine, it’s pretty common with puppies…

If you have house-trained your puppy, and he does not adjust his behavior, there could be an underlying issue causing the behavior that you’ll want to consider. These include:

Urinary Tract Issues… 

One of the most common causes of your dog peeing in the house after training is a urinary tract infection…

To determine if this is the problem, you should take your puppy to the vet. Most likely, your veterinarian will take urine samples from your dog and conduct a urinalysis to check their urine culture…

why is my 6 month old puppy pooping in the house again

The test will look for abnormal cells and bacteria, and if a UTI is diagnosed, the vet will probably give your dog antibiotics…

Other urinary tract issues can include cystitis, bladder stones, crystals in the urine, tumors, and even structural abnormalities. So it’s important to get your pup checked out…

And that will allow your veterinarian to start treating whatever issue your puppy might be having.

Urinary Incontinence And Health Problems

Urinary incontinence is common in senior dogs, but puppies can also develop this medical condition…

The common sign is your puppy leaking urine or leaving puddles on the floor or bed, and if your dog is suffering from this condition, then please remember that he cannot control it…

Once again, you’re going to want to take your dog to the vet, so they can determine if this is the issue, and it can also be treated with medications… 

But if your dog is peeing in large quantities of urine in your house, then it may not be this condition…

Some other conditions such as diabetes, Cushing’s disease, and kidney disease can cause urinary issues also, and like I said, your vet can test your puppy to diagnose whatever is going on and offer the appropriate treatment.

How To Stop Your Puppy From Peeing In The House

Your puppy peeing in your home can lead to many smelly messes, and that can be stressful because we all obviously want to keep our houses clean and odor-free…

It can also be really frustrating, especially if you thought you had your puppy house trained already and that you wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore…

So here are a few tips, tricks, and things to look out for that will help you get your puppy back on track and peeing where he is supposed to…

Visit The Vet

Like I mentioned before, it’s important to first talk with your veterinarian. Some medical conditions can lead to uncontrolled or frequent peeing. So having a vet check out your puppy is incredibly important…

Some medical issues that can cause this behavior are minor, but others can be quite serious, and your vet is best equipped to find any medical issues…

If you find out the problem is a medical one, once your puppy is treated he will feel better and have fewer accidents. 

Give Your Puppy More Potty Breaks

Sometimes, your puppy pees in the house because he simply cannot hold it for very long…

If that’s the case, giving him a chance to relieve himself much more frequently will help limit the number of accidents he’s having…

5 month old puppy peeing in house

Each dog has his own bladder limit. So you’ll just have to pay attention to your puppy to find out how long he can go between breaks…

And then gradually, you can start spreading out his potty breaks with longer intervals in between.

Monitor Your Puppy

When your puppy wants to pee, he will usually display some behaviors like sniffing, hunching his back, or circling…

Once you notice these signals, it’s time to take him outside. And when he pees in the right place, you should give them some treats or other rewards to reinforce that good behavior…

If you have been with your puppy for some time, then it will be easier to note his cues that he wants to go potty…

In addition to that, you should avoid punishing the puppy when he gets it wrong because this can cause anxiety which may even make the problem worse…

So just try to be positive and patient with your little fur baby… 

Train Or Re-Train Your Puppy…

Some puppies will start peeing in the house again because they didn’t have enough house training to start with…

This can end up being pretty frustrating because you thought they had learned to pee outside, and then they start having several accidents in the house again…

So if your puppy starts peeing in the house again, you may need to revisit housing training to really ingrain it in your puppy’s behavior…

Just remember that it will probably take time, dedication, and consistency to achieve this goal…

One of the ways you can speed up this process is by using brain training to ensure that your pup is extremely obedient to you…

There are many different training programs out there but I highly recommend the Brain Training For Dogs program…

I like it because it’s highly effective, simple, and you can access the program from the comfort of your own home…

If you’d like to learn more about how Brain Training For Dogs can help your puppy become properly potty trained and more, click the link below…

Clean Up Accidents Thoroughly… 

Even when there is no odor, you need to thoroughly clean up each time your dog pees in your home…

Enzymatic cleaners are best suited for this task and will remove the odors and dirt from inside your house…

Remember, if your dog smells these odors, he might be encouraged to return to the scene of the crime and do it again…

So aside from keeping your house sanitary, cleaning up is an important part of the house training process.

Remove Anything That Triggers The Behavior…

If you observe your dog’s peeing behavior closely, you might notice a pattern…

And if you discover that something is triggering the behavior, you might only need to make a few changes to his routine to minimize these incidents…

why has my puppy started peeing in the house again

For instance, if your dog is triggered by anxiety over a particular sound in the house. Knowing that detail can help you adjust your potty training system and will hopefully allow your puppy to have better success.

Train Your Dog To Pee On A Pad…

It is possible to train your dog how to pee on a pad, and some dog owners choose to go this route because they find cleaning up potty in one area to be convenient…

If you’d like to learn more about this option, you can check out my full article on the topic here.

Neuter Your Dog

The longer a dog goes without being neutered, the harder it is to train them to stop marking or peeing in the house…

Spaying or neutering your puppy might be able to stop your dog from peeing in the house, and if it doesn’t eliminate the issue, it may help in reducing it…

Older dogs who get accustomed to peeing the house have a much harder time breaking the habit…

So make sure you deal with the behavior early on by neutering and taking the time to house train your puppy…

Final Thoughts…

Teaching your puppy the right place to pee is an essential lesson and will be important for the rest of his life…

You’ll end up being less stressed out and frustrated, and you’ll end up having to clean up fewer messes in your house…

On top of that, your dog will be better behaved and have the ability to focus on playing and having more fun with you…

Just be sure to rule out any medical issues that may be causing the problem with your veterenarian…

And then follow the tips above, to help get your puppy back on the right track.