If your puppy is straining when moving their bowels or missing their breed appropriate weight milestones, they may be constipated…
And your constipated 3 week old puppy could be suffering from a myriad of conditions, from eating the wrong food to improper grooming…
This article will discuss the reasons behind constipation in puppies, as well as veterinarian recommended solutions for constipation…

What Is Constipation?
Constipation occurs when a dog cannot void their bowels. Any moisture in the feces is reabsorbed by the colon, and it becomes hard and impossible to pass naturally.
Signs of Puppy Constipation…
Puppies experiencing constipation may lose their appetite and stop gaining weight…
They may be caught straining to move their bowels yet producing no feces. As time passes, your puppy may become lethargic and lose interest in former favorite activities.
Causes of Puppy Constipation…
There are several causes of constipation in puppies. They include, but are not limited to, improper food, dehydration, lack of exercise, poor grooming, stress, and colon obstructions.
Many dog foods on the market are highly processed and full of fillers, dyes, and preservatives. If fed to a young dog, these foods could lead to constipation in your puppy…

Healthy foods are high in fiber and allow the puppy to produced stool easily, whereas foods that are poor sources of nutrients produce dense stool that is difficult to pass.
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Dehydration can cause constipation in puppies…
Always make sure a source of clean water is available for your little fur baby, as it prevents dehydration and moistens feces, making it easier to pass.
Lack of Exercise
Puppies who are not getting enough exercise can become easily constipated…
The more a dog moves, the easier feces moves through their digestive tract. So get your pup out for regular runs in order to prevent constipation!
Poor Grooming
Dogs–even puppies–should always be groomed to their breed’s standard look. This may require regular trips to the groomer or simply brushing them daily to prevent mats…
When a puppy is groomed poorly, mats can form on their hind end. These mats can actually prevent the expulsion of feces from the outside, causing a back up in the digestive tract that leads to constipation.
An increase in a puppy’s stress level may cause constipation. Stress is typically caused by a change in the puppy’s regular environment…
It could be as simple as a new walking path or an experience at a boarding facility…

Make sure to train your puppy to be comfortable defecating on surfaces other than grass; the stress of being without grass, which is common in many boarding situations, may cause enough stress that your dog will refuse to defecate and become constipated.
Colon Obstruction
Puppies will eat anything, including items that are not meant to be eaten, like socks. These items can become lodged in the stomach, digestive tract, or colon, making it impossible to pass stool…
This requires a trip to the veterinarian and likely an expensive surgery. So it’s important to make sure to monitor your puppy at all times in order to avoid this cause of constipation.
How To Make A Puppy Poop When Constipated…
There are several ways to treat constipation in puppies. It is important to remember that never under any circumstances should a human-grade laxative be given to a puppy…
Instead, rely on the knowledge of your veterinarian when it comes to laxatives or try one of these handy tips…
Veterinary Grade Laxatives…
Lactolose is the most common veterinary grade laxative on the market. A veterinarian may prescribe this in order to combat constipation in a puppy…
Make sure to follow the veterinarian’s instructions when it comes to dosage amounts and times…

Veterinarians may also want to try suppositories or enemas in order to relieve constipation. It’s important to understand that these should never be tried at home…
Often, puppies must be sedated in order to perform these procedures, as the procedures are uncomfortable and may cause the puppy to bite…
So be sure to visit the veterinarian before trying to treat your puppy with any of these more extreme procedures.

Puppy Constipation Home Remedies…
Canned Pumpkin…
Pumpkin is a tried and true method for relieving constipation in a puppy. Canned pumpkin is full of both fiber and water, the two ingredients that encourage proper bowel movements…
Half of a teaspoon of canned pumpkin can be added to every meal, or it can be frozen in an ice cube tray and given on its own as a tasting treat for your pup.
Hydration and Exercise…
Increasing a puppy’s water intake and exercise level is sometimes enough to allow them to pass feces comfortably…
Increasing water intake helps by adding moisture to the digestive tract, while an increase in exercise may jostle the waste materials loose and allow your puppy to go.
Preventing Constipation in Puppies…
While constipation can be a major problem for a puppy, it can be prevented. Start by feeding high grade food full of fiber and nutrients and stay away from cheaper, more processed food to avoid constipation…
Instead of store bought treats filled with chemicals and dyes, freeze some pumpkin or offer sticks of celery as treats…

Always make sure clean water is accessible and encourage the puppy to drink as much as they want…
Keep the puppy on a regular exercise schedule. Movement of the body causes movement of feces through the digestive tract. So keep your puppy moving, and it will keep their bowels moving!
Always keep a watchful eye on your puppy when they are playing with toys. Keep anything that might be tempting to destroy out of your puppy’s reach, and properly train him to follow your commands and be obedient.
By not allowing your puppy free reign to destroy things, constipation via obstruction–and the expensive vet bills it brings–can be avoided…

Final Thoughts On Dealing With A Constipated Puppy…
Constipation in puppies is no laughing matter. It can be caused by anything from feeding poor quality food to a colon obstruction that must be removed surgically…
While there are treatments for constipation, the best path is prevention…
And by feeding high quality food, making water accessible, exercising regularly, and keeping an eye on your puppy while they are playing, constipation can be avoided.