DogTV Review – Is It Worth it?

dogtv review

I’ll never forget the first time I watched “Lady and the Tramp” with my 2-year-old son…

Of course, my son was enjoying watching it, but something that really left a lasting impression on me was the way my dog, Zephyr, was glued to the TV!

He couldn’t look away, and he seemed to know that he was watching a story about doggies that were just like him!

It’s because of his reaction that I became pretty interested when I first heard about the concept of DogTV…

Could a streaming service designed for dogs actually work? Would it be a good thing for my dogs?

These are some of the questions I had at first, and in this DogTV review, we’ll be answering those questions (and more) by going over the following information…

  • What Is DogTV?
  • How Does DogTV Work?
  • What Does DogTV Look Like?
  • Does DogTV Really Work?
  • Where Can You View DogTV?
  • DogTV Cost…
  • DogTV Free Trial Information…
  • Pros And Cons…
  • Is DogTV Worth it?
  • DogTV Frequently Asked Questions…

In the end, you’ll know what DogTV is and what it can do for you and your dog, and you’ll be able to decide if it’s something you should try out or not…

Let’s start by clarifying what exactly DogTV is…

Watch The Video Below To Learn More About DogTV…

DogTV free trial

What Is DogTV?

As I mentioned before, DogTV is a streaming service that provides dogs with hours of entertainment…

You see, our dogs can tend to feel boredom or separation anxiety when we pet parents are away from them for hours at a time…

And DogTV offers programming that is scientifically researched and prepared by animal experts…

This means that it is designed to cater specifically to your dog’s sense of sight and sense of hearing…

On top of that, DogTV’s programing isn’t designed to turn your pup into a TV-watching zombie…

On the contrary, it works to stimulate their mind and body at times and to give them times to rest and relax…

This can actually help a dog who tends to oversleep get some much-needed exercise and circulation throughout the day…

So if you feel that your dog gets anxious when you’re away at work, DogTV is perfect for you…

If you feel that your dog is bored at home and he or she sometimes gets a little too mischievous, DogTV is perfect for you…

Or if you just feel that your dog deserves a little TV-watching as a treat, DogTV is also perfect for you.

How Does DogTV Work?

DogTV works by presenting videos and sounds that are specifically designed to relax or stimulate your dog…

The relaxation programming includes calming sounds and scenery, and this can help ease the anxiety your dog feels when you’re away or help your dog take a much-needed nap when the time is right…

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The stimulation programming is designed to appeal to your dog’s sense of sight by including a lot of motion and colors that might seem odd to us humans…

It also includes lots of dogs, because dogs love watching other dogs, and other animals as well…

There is also programming included with DogTV that is designed to gently expose your dog to sounds that they may find startling…

Things like doorbells and sirens can cause anxiety in dogs, and this content is super helpful at getting them used to these noises in a way that doesn’t scare them…

Last, there is also programming designed for us humans included with DogTV! For example “The Dog Chef” teaches you how to make tasty treats for your dog…

And you can sit down, relax, and enjoy this content alongside your pup!

What Does Dog TV Look Like?

As I mentioned earlier, the colors included in DogTV’s programming are a little bit different from the colors you’re used to watching on human TV…

The reason for this is because dogs see in a different way than humans. Most people think that dogs only see black and white…

But the truth is that they can distinguish between a few different colors and different shades of those colors…

If you want to get technical, dogs have something called “dichromatic vision” and this allows them to see shades of blue and yellow…

DogTV understands this and incorporates it into its programming. The result is that your dog is more interested in what is on the TV because it is designed with his or her vision in mind…

On top of that, your dog’s eyes react much better when seeing objects that are moving…

In fact, when things remain still it can be as if they aren’t even there to dogs. Because of this, Dog TV includes lots of movement in its programming as well…

And this movement helps make the content much more engaging and interesting for our dogs.

Does Dog TV Really Work?

DogTV uses a science-based approach to all of its content. In fact, it’s based on over 60 different scientific studies…

And because of that, the creators of DogTV know how to make content with visual stimuli that can affect your dog’s behavior in a good way…

In addition to that, they know how different types of music will impact your dog, and they know of methods that can be used to calm anxiety in dogs…

dogtv free trial

On top of that, there are thousands of happy dogs and dog parents who have found the programming engaging, fun, and helpful…

Now, will it work for your dog? The truth is that only you will be able to answer that question…

The good news is, that you can try out DogTV for free because they do offer a free trial (more on that in a bit)…

Where Can You View Dog TV?

You can pretty much stream DogTV anywhere or get it through your cable or satellite provider…

Some of the streaming services that you can use include:

  • Apple TV
  • Roku
  • Fire TV
  • Direct TV
  • Dish TV
  • SLing
  • Xfinity
  • RCN
  • Cox
  • Claro
  • Vivo
  • Xbox One
  • And More!

DogTV Cost…

DogTV offers a monthly subscription and an annual subscription. If you decide to go with the monthly subscription option, DogTV is only $9.99 per month…

And if you decide to go with the annual subscription, it will only cost $6.99 per month…

Both subscription plans provide you with the same scientifically engineered programming…

dogtv cost

And you can stream the content from any device using virtually any streaming service or satellite/cable provider…

In addition to that, you can start trying out DogTV with a free trial, and afterwards, there is no contract, which means you can cancel anytime without any hassle.

DogTV Free Trial Information…

The DogTV trial lasts for 7 days. This gives you plenty of time to try out the programming and see how your dog responds to it without paying a dime…

If you find out that your dog doesn’t respond well to the programming or if you just feel like it’s not for you…

You can easily cancel before your 7-day trial is over, and you won’t be charged. 

DogTV Review – Pros And Cons…


  • The programming is interesting for most dogs.
  • The relaxation content is calming and soothing, even for humans.
  • There is a lot of variety in terms of what type of content plays.
  • The content will help stimulate your dog to move around and exercise at times rather than sleeping all day.
  • It may help ease the anxiety that some dogs feel when left home alone.
  • It will entertain dogs who are bored when left alone.
  • You might actually like watching the content with your dog.
  • It’s affordable.
  • You can try it out for free with the 7-day free trial and easily cancel if it’s not for you.


  • Some of the content seems to be a little repetitive (but your dog probably won’t mind).
  • Some dogs get overly excited by the content (especially when they are first introduced – It’s like a new toy!). This can cause problems such as jumping on the TV.
  • It’s not free.

Is Dog TV Worth it?

If you know your dog has separation anxiety when you’re away from the house, I think it’s definitely worth trying DogTV out…

The relaxation programming will help your pup calm down, and the other programming will help take his or her mind off of the fact that you’re not around…

In addition to that, the content that exposes your dog to sounds that he may find frightening…

…is a great way to gently train him to remain calm when he hears those sounds in the real world.

On top of that, if you feel like your dog is bored while you’re away, I think DogTV is a great way to keep him entertained without turning him into a binge-watching teenager…

Last, if you don’t have any concerns about your dog while you’re away, but you just think DogTV will be a fun addition to your home…

I don’t think you’ll have any regrets trying it out, especially when you see how your dog reacts to it for the first time…

So all in all, I think DogTV is worth it because most dogs who watch it love it, and if you’re worried that your dog won’t love it…

You can try it out for free for the first seven days and cancel it before being charged.

Watch The Video Below To Learn More About DogTV…

dog tv review

DogTV Frequently Asked Questions…

Is DogTV any different from showing your dog regular (human) TV?

Yes. DogTV is very different from showing your dog regular TV, Youtube, or a movie. Everything about DogTV’s programming is scientifically designed to appeal to your dog’s sense of sight and hearing…

Regular human TV might have some programming that entertains your dog for a time, but in the end, it’s not designed for them…

On top of that, DogTV works to ensure that your dog stays active at times throughout the day with stimulating content and has a chance to calm down or nap with the relaxing content. 

What should I do while my dog watches DogTV?

It’s really up to you what you do while your dog watches DogTV. As I mentioned before, you can leave your home while your dog watches, but you can also do chores around the house, cook, or do anything else you need to get done…

Additionally, some dog parents actually enjoy watching with their pups. The programming is mostly about dogs, and since you’re probably a dog lover, you might have fun sitting on the couch with your dog watching DogTV together.

Why does it seem like my dog isn’t watching?

Some dogs will sit down and watch DogTV almost like a human watching a movie, but others will watch a little and then go do other things and then come back and so on…

On top of that, if you’re around while DogTV is on, your dog will probably want to spend more time with you because you’re simply more fun to be around than even DogTV!

The colors on DogTV seem off – Should I adjust my TV?

No. You should keep your TV color settings as they are. Again, the coloring used on DogTV is designed specifically for the way your dog’s eyes work. Your dog sees in varying shades of blue and yellow, and the coloring used in DogTV is set up with that in mind.

How loud should I keep the TV volume for my dog?

You should keep the volume at the same level you use when you’re watching TV. There is no need to change it for your dog.

is dogtv free

My dog gets super excited (almost too much) when I turn on DogTV – Is that how it’s supposed to work?

This is actually a pretty common occurrence, and it makes sense if your think about it. You’ve just introduced something new and exciting to your dog. So it’s natural for them to show that excitement, especially when they first start watching…

Usually, the over-excitement goes away after a bit of time, but the programming on DogTV is still able to stimulate and relax your dog throughout the day.

Is it easy to cancel DogTV if I find out it’s not for me?

Yes. All you have to do is log in to your account, go to your profile, and click “manage subscription”. From there you’ll be able to cancel at any time. I’ve had subscriptions that required me to stay on the phone for hours just to cancel, and I’m very happy that DogTV isn’t like that.

If I sign up for a monthly subscription can I upgrade to an annual subscription at a later time?

Yes. If you decide that DogTV is great for your dog and want to upgrade to the annual subscription for a better deal, you can do that by logging into your DogTV account. 

Watch The Video Below To Learn More About DogTV…

dog tv review