If you have a puppy, chances are that at some point they have panted in your face with some really bad breath…
It’s not the cutest thing in the world, but hey – your puppy is your fur baby and it’s your job to make sure he (or she) is staying happy and healthy…
But why does your 5 month old puppy have bad breath? And how can your get rid of the awful smell?

These are some of the questions I’ll be answering today, and I’ll be doing it by going over the following information…
- What Causes Puppy Bad Breath?
- Can Puppy Teething Cause Bad Breath?
- How To Get Rid Of Puppy Bad Breath…
- How Can I Freshen My Dog’s Breath Without Brushing?
In the end, you should be able to determine why your pup has such bad breath (sometimes all of a sudden)…
And you’ll have a good idea of what to do to get rid of your puppy’s bad breath. Let’s get started by go over a few reasons why your puppy might have bad breath…
What Causes Puppy Bad breath?
There are many reasons why puppies can have bad breath, but one of the most common is because food residue and tartar buildup are forming in your pup’s mouth…
Unfortunately, as your puppy’s teeth continue to grow and develop they will experience more tartar buildup which is one of the major causes of poor dental health in dogs…

Brushing your puppy’s teeth is a good way to combat this, and we’ll discuss more about that later in this article…
But aside from food residue and tartar buildup, there are several other reasons why your 5 month old puppy might have bad breath…
Is There An Injury Inside Your Puppy’s Mouth?
Puppies tend to injure their mouths by chewing on things they shouldn’t be chewing on. This can lead to oral infections which can be a cause for bad breath…
Puppies and older dogs oftentimes love chewing on wood, and this is a problem because sticks and wood can splinter and create injuries inside your dog’s mouth…
A wound inside your pup’s mouth can lead to infection and swelling in your puppy’s gums and cheeks – which could also make him drool a lot because of pain or discomfort…
The infection, in particular, can make your puppy’s mouth smell very foul. The same goes for chewing on objects that are hard or that have any sharp edges…
Puppies aren’t very discerning when it comes to the things they’ll attempt to chew on. So be sure to keep a close eye on your pup…
And if you suspect that the reason why your puppy has bad breath is because of an injury inside his or her mouth, you should contact a veterinarian to discuss the issue further…

Is Your Puppy Eating Poop (Or Other Foul-Smelling Things)?
Another common reason why puppies have bad breath is that they tend to eat a lot of dirt or sand which can lead to the consumption of bacteria and parasites that then leads to bad breath…
But even worse than that, puppies can eat things like dog poop, cat poop, smelly garbage, and other things that can have really bad odors and make their breath smell just as awful…
Veterinarians call this “dietary indiscretion” and it’s not just a problem for puppies but can also be seen in dogs of all ages…

It’s extremely important that you keep track of the things your puppy is eating because aside from bad breath, dietary indiscretion can lead to some serious health issues like diarrhea, vomiting, and even death…
The best way to avoid these terrible side effects is to train your puppy with the “Leave it!” or “Drop it!” command…
And if you need help training your dog properly, I recommend you check out the Brain Training For Dog’s Program…
I like it because it’s easy to follow, highly effective, and you access the program from your own home…
If you’d like to learn more about how Brain Training For Dog’s can help your puppy to become intelligent and extremely obedient, click the link below…
>> Click Here To Learn More About Brain Training For Dogs!
Does Your Puppy Have Indigestion?
Sometimes the dog food you’re using just doesn’t agree with your puppy and it can cause indigestion…
And eventually, an unpleasant odor can start to present itself from his gastrointestinal tract…
On top of that, indigestion can come along with other issues such as belching, flatulence, and vomiting…
If your puppy is showing any of these symptoms, you should first talk contact a veterinarian about what could be the cause or if he needs medication like antibiotics for an intestinal infection…

Depending on how serious it seems, the vet may recommend a change in diet or feeding your pup something to help with digestion until his stomach settles down enough that he can handle his regular food again…

If you are interested in trying a new dog food, I recommend you check out Ollie because it’s very nutritious and tailored to your individual dog’s needs…
>> Click Here To Learn About A Healthy, Simple & Delicious Dog Food That Your Dog Will Love!
Does Your Dog Have Other Medical Issues?
It’s rare that things such as kidney failure or liver failure will cause bad breath, but even though they are rare, you’ll want to check them off the list as causes for smelly breath in your pup…
In addition to that, some other medical issues that can cause bad breath in dogs include dental disease, gum disease, and periodontal disease…
If you suspect that your puppy’s bad breath is being caused by any of these medical issues, be sure to contact a veterinarian to discuss the issue further…

Can Puppy Teething Cause Bad Breath?
Yes, puppy teething can cause bad breath, and it’s actually a very common reason for bad breath in puppies…
The problem is that your puppy’s gums will be inflamed and sore, so they start producing more bacteria than normal…
This can lead to a build-up of plaque on teeth which creates an environment where certain types of oral bacteria thrive!
A 5 month old puppy is at a stage in which his adult teeth are probably still coming in. Therefore it is very possible that your puppy’s bad breath is simply related to his teething…
How To Get Rid Of Puppy Bad Breath…
The way you get rid of your puppy’s bad breath will depend on what’s causing the issue in the first place…
If the problem is related to your puppy’s teething stage, and their gums are sore and inflamed as a result of this…
…then it will help to provide them with some chewing toys that they might find soothing and that might help reduce the amount of inflammation in their mouth…
If the bad breath is a result of indigestion, try giving your dog a different dog food that agrees with his or her stomach more…
But if the problem is that your dog has food residue and tartar in his mouth then you should try and brush your dog’s teeth using specialty toothpaste designed for dogs, or even just brushing their teeth with some water…

Be sure to avoid using human toothpaste because the ingredients in it are not designed to be safe for dogs…
And even though it’s a good idea to brush your pup’s teeth after every meal, 2 or 3 times a week can also go a long way.
How Can I Freshen My Dog’s Breath Without Brushing?
There are several chew toys available that can help clean your dog’s teeth and that in itself will probably help freshen your puppy’s breath…
In addition to that, there are several chewable treats available with breath-freshening ingredients…
I find that these are great because puppies love chewing on them, they freshen their breath, and they usually help clean off their teeth a bit.
Final Thoughts…
So as I mentioned there are many reasons why your puppy might be experiencing bad breath…
Just be sure to contact a veterinarian if you suspect the problem is related to a medical issue…
And if you’re able to rule out any health problems, don’t stress out too much about it because a little tooth brushing and some breath-freshening treats can go a long way to help!