We all love our dogs, but let’s face it, sometimes they can be a handful…
When I say they can be a handful, I mean that (just like with our children) they can misbehave…
And this misbehavior can come in many forms. For example, your dog might chew on shoes, socks, or furniture… or he (or she) might intentionally poop when riding in the car…
But what about other types of behavior such as biting and humping? Well, a lot of doggie parents have questions about that…
Why does my dog hump and bite me? Does he have a medical issue that I need to address? Or is it just bad behavior? How do I put a stop to it?
These are all excellent questions, and in today’s article, we’ll be answering them by going over the following information…
- Why Does My Dog Hump And Bite Me?
- How To Stop Your Dog From Humping And Biting
- How To Speed Up The Training Process
In the end, you’ll know of many potential reasons why your dog bites and humps you, and you’ll also know how you can put a stop to the behavior quickly…
Let’s get started!

Why Does My Dog Hump And Bite Me?
It’s not uncommon for dogs to mount and hump toys, legs, and other dogs, and this type of behavior can actually start very early (even before your dog is a year old)…
Sometimes this behavior is sexual, but there are many times when it’s actually nonsexual, and there are a number of reasons why it could be happening…

For example, dogs can bite, growl, and hump for the simple reason of trying to get attention from their doggie parents…
They can also exhibit these behaviors to try and size up or dominate other dogs and people, such as their owners or friends and relatives of their owners…
Another potential reason for this behavior is jealousy. This can often show itself when you have a new boyfriend or girlfriend who seems to get exclusive humping and biting treatment from your dog…
And last, your dog might be showing these behaviors due to anxiety, and the cause of that anxiety could be a number of different things…
The good news is that no matter the cause, there are some very effective ways for putting a stop to this inappropriate behavior.

How To Stop Your Dog From Humping And Biting…
The best way to discourage your dog from humping and biting you is to stop the behavior immediately the first time it occurs…
That being said, even if your dog has acted this way for a while, there are many things you can do to put a stop to this behavior for good…
It really comes down to proper obedience training, and here are some of the things you can do to start training your dog…
Look For Patterns In Your Dog’s Behavior…
The first thing to do is to carefully observe your dog’s behavior. You should be looking for patterns, and trying to pin down what exactly causes your dog to start humping and biting you…
Again, there are many different reasons why your dog could be behaving in this way, and this is a key step in determining that reason, which will also help you stop the behavior…

For example, if your dog starts biting and humping when you come home from work, it could be a sign that he or she is excited and wants more attention from you…
If your dog starts this behavior every time you try to vacuum the house, it could be a sign that he is anxious about the sound…
There really are endless possibilities as to what could be triggering the behavior, and it’ll just come down to watching your dog carefully to get to the bottom of why this is happening in the first place…
Remove Yourself Or Remove Your Dog…
When your dog starts humping and biting you, you need to stop the behavior as soon as possible…
It might be necessary for you to remove yourself by going into another room or even going outside…
Another option is to put your dog in another room, which would basically be like a doggie “time-out”…
Either way, you want to establish yourself as the dominant figure and the person who makes the decisions…
The reason for this is because your dog is trying to dominate or even train you, so you need to make it clear that you’re actually the one in charge…
You should also immediately tell your dog “No” when this behavior starts. Telling your dog “No” while removing yourself will help him or her start to understand that this behavior is inappropriate…
It’s never a good idea to physically reprimand your dog. This could actually lead to your dog becoming more aggressive…
And it’s not an effective way to train a dog because it can make your dog anxious or fearful around you.
Distract Your Dog…
Aside from removing yourself, you can also try distracting your dog when he starts humping and biting…
Again, this needs to be done immediately because allowing your dog to continue, even if it seems funny or cute to you or others, will only reinforce the inappropriate behavior…

Pulling out your dog’s favorite toy like a ball to chase or kong to chew on, is another great way to prevent the behavior from becoming an ingrained habit…
In addition to that, it’s a great technique to use if your dog tries to hump and bite other dogs and/or people as well.
Give Your Dog Treats For Good Behavior…
Another thing you can do is to reinforce your dog’s good behavior with treats…
Once you’ve determined what triggers your dog to start biting and humping you, you can start to offer rewards when he or she acts appropriately instead…
Any doggie treat will do, or you can also use something like cheese as long as your dog isn’t lactose intolerant.
Exercise And Socialize Your Dog…
Another great way to try and curb this behavior is to make sure your dog has plenty of exercise and socialization…
If you don’t frequently take your pup on walks or go to the park, try going more. This activity might help your dog release some tension…
And the more socialization your dog has around other dogs and other people, the better.
Talk To A Vet..
If you feel that your dog is overly aggressive with behaviors like biting, growling, and humping, you should talk to a veterinarian about your concerns…
Some forms of aggression can actually be signs of a medical problem or anxiety, and a vet will be able to diagnose and treat those issues…
In addition to that, spaying or neutering a dog can also help reduce humping and aggression.
How To Speed Up The Training Process…
As I mentioned earlier, putting a stop to this behavior really comes down to proper obedience training…
And if you need help in that area, I highly recommend the Brain Training For Dogs program…
I like it because it’s easy to follow, it works quickly, and you can access the program from the comfort of your own home…

The training teaches you simple techniques to quickly change your dog’s behavior by accessing their natural intelligence…
If you’d like to learn more about how Brain Training For Dogs can help you eliminate your dog’s humping and biting, click the link below…

Final Thoughts…
In the end, it is inappropriate for your dog to hump and bite you, and you shouldn’t allow that behavior to continue…
Just start by finding out why your dog is exhibiting these behaviors, always stop it as soon as it starts, and seek out how to train your dog to be an obedient and loving companion…
If you do, it shouldn’t take long before you have a well-behaved and obedient pup, and the two of you will have a much closer (and fun-filled) relationship.