Your Dog Swallowed A Chicken Wing Whole? Here’s What To Do [Step-By-Step Guide]…

dog swallowed chicken wing whole

Most people that I know love chicken wings…

They’re packed with flavor, and even though they’re messy, they’re just fun to eat. So it’s no surprise that our dogs are interested in eating wings too…

But can dogs eat chicken wings? And what will happen if a dog swallowed a chicken wing whole?

Well, that’s actually a more common question than you might have thought, and in this article, we’re going to answer it in detail…

In the end, you’ll know why it’s hazardous for dogs to swallow whole chicken wings, and you’ll also have a step-by-step guide to help you if the situation has occurred…

Let’s start by discussing why swallowing a whole chicken wing is dangerous for a dog…

My Dog Swallowed A Chicken Wing Whole – Is That Dangerous?

It can be very dangerous for dogs to swallow chicken wings whole. The main reason why is because your dog ingested cooked chicken bones which can break into sharp pieces that may create punctures and perforations inside your dog’s gastrointestinal tract…

The thing is that even though it’s possible for a dog to swallow a whole chicken wing without chewing, your dog may have taken a few bites before swallowing…

And even though chicken wings are relatively small, if your dog did munch down on the bones and break them…

…the remaining pieces will have sharp, pointy edges, which can immediately cause damage to your dog’s mouth and throat.

can dogs digest chicken bones

After that, even if the jagged pieces pass through your dog’s throat safely, they can potentially puncture your dog’s stomach and intestines as they make their way through the digestive tract.

There’s also the possibility that your dog will vomit, and if that’s the case those sharp fragments of bone can cause lacerations and punctures on the way back up as well.

All of this will obviously be incredibly painful for your little fur baby, and it will require surgical involvement.

Plus, let’s not forget that eating a whole chicken wing is also a potential choking hazard.

So because of all the serious risks involved, if your dog swallowed a whole chicken wing, you should contact a vet immediately…

What To Do If Your Dog Swallows A Chicken Wing Whole – Step-By-Step Guide…

Because there are some very serious potential risks when your dog swallows a chicken wing, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you protect your dog’s health as much as possible…

Step 1: Try Not to Panic…

I realize that this step is probably the trickiest of them all, but panicking will prevent you from moving quickly and making calm and rational decisions.

Instead of panicking, take a calming breath and approach your dog gently. If your dog is still in the middle of chewing on pieces of wing or bones, try to pull them out.

How long does it take for a chicken wing to pass through a dog

Remember that this might not be easy as dogs tend to become quickly possessive of their food.

And even if your pup isn’t usually aggressive, wrestling away this new, tasty “treat” from him might make him combative and only try to eat it faster.

If he’s already ingested the chicken wings, again, remind yourself not to panic. Freaking out may cause your dog to start getting anxious and fearful, and that will only make matters worse.

Step 2: Ensure That Your Dog Isn’t Choking…

The next thing to do is to make sure that your dog is not choking.

If your dog starts to cough repeatedly and appears as if he’s having trouble breathing, he might be in the process of choking.

Other symptoms of choking can include:

  • Noticeable distress
  • Rubbing the face against the ground
  • Excessive salivation
  • Pawing at the mouth
  • Gagging or retching
  • Blue mucous membranes

Fortunately, there are some very effective techniques when it comes to helping a choking dog.

First off, take a quick look at the inside of your dog’s mouth and throat to see if you can swipe the piece of chicken or bone away with your finger.

If you can’t do that, you should begin performing the Heimlich Maneuver.

Watch Video To Learn How To Perform The Heimlich Maneuver On A Dog:

Start by putting your arms around your dog while he’s in a standing position and let your hands join at his abdomen.

Then, turn your hand into a fist and firmly push up and inward five times. Remember that you’ll need to be quick when doing this.

Next, check your dog’s mouth and throat again to see if the food is no longer blocking his airway.

If you’re not able to dislodge the piece of chicken or bone, you should hurry to the animal clinic as soon as possible.

Afterward, even if you’ve managed to remove the chicken or bone successfully, you should contact a veterinarian immediately for guidance…

Step 3: Contact A Vet…

If there are no signs of choking, contacting a vet should be your next step…

Again, there are some very serious risks associated with swallowing bones, and the vet will be able to guide you on the best course of action for the safety of your dog.

my dog ate 10 chicken wing bones

For example, the vet might suggest feeding your dog pieces of white bread to act as a cushion to protect your dog against the bone fragments he or she swallowed.

It’s also possible that the vet may have you try another home remedy or will suggest that you make your way to the animal clinic immediately.

Step 4: Look for Any Signs of Trouble…

This is a step that you’ll want to begin doing even before speaking with a vet, but the vet will probably also ask you to monitor your dog’s behavior and symptoms.

Again, ingesting chicken wings may lead to punctured internal organs in your dog. So you really need to keep a close eye on him.

Be sure to ask the vet what to look out for if he or she doesn’t give you a list of symptoms to be wary of…

And some of the symptoms of blockages or internal bleeding that you can expect to watch out for include things like:

  • Constipation
  • Bloody stool
  • Vomiting (especially with blood)
  • General discomfort
  • Bloated abdomen
  • Lethargy
  • Lack of appetite

If you notice one or more of these symptoms, you should take your dog to the animal clinic as soon as possible.

The same applies if you don’t notice the chicken bone or its fragments in your dog’s stool within 72 hours after ingestion.

Step 5: Prevent This From Happening Again…

The last thing you should do is to try and eliminate any factors that might lead to this scenario happening again.

Think back to all the things that caused this situation in the first place and make sure you don’t repeat anything that could have easily been avoided.

For example, if your wings were left unattended as you ran to the restroom, make sure you keep them in a spot where your dog can never access them in the future.

my dog swallowed a chicken bone without chewing

You should also consider proper obedience training for your dog, and if you need help getting started in that area, I highly recommend you check out the Brain Training For Dogs Program…

I recommend it because it’s easy to follow, it works quickly, and you can access the program from the comfort of your own home…

The reason why this particular training is able to work quickly is because it shows you how to easily redirect intelligence that your dog already has…

If you’d like to learn more about how Brain Training For Dogs can help you prevent your dog from eating objects he or she shouldn’t be eating, click the link below…

Final Thoughts…

So in summary, if your dog swallowed a chicken wing whole there are some dangerous scenarios that might occur such as the splintered bones causing internal punctures in your dog’s GI tract…

Just be sure to remain calm, make sure your dog isn’t choking, monitor your dog for unusual behavior and symptoms, and contact a vet as soon as possible…

You should also consider obedience training, to hopefully prevent incidents like this from happening again in the future.