It may surprise you, but your dog can experience several of the aches and pains that we humans go through…
Having chapped lips is one of these conditions, and it can affect dogs of various shapes and sizes…
Luckily, if your dog has chapped lips, you’re not alone because this is an issue that has plagued many dogs and their owners…
And in this article, we’ll be going over the following information…
- Dog Chapped Lips – Common Causes
- Dog Lip Fold Dermatitis – What Is It?
- Lip Fold Dermatitis – Causes, Signs, And Susceptibility
- How Is Lip Fold Dermatitis Treated?
- Ways To Heal Your Dog’s Chapped Lips From Home
In the end, you’ll know the common reasons why dogs get chapped lips, and you’ll be equipped with ideas for treating your dog’s chapped lips right from home…
Let’s start by discussing common reasons why dogs get chapped lips…
Dog Chapped Lips – Common Causes…
Before we dive into the home remedies for your dog’s dry or chapped lips, it’s a good idea to understand why it might have happened in the first place…
There are many reasons why dogs suffer from chapped lips and some of those reasons include the following…
Vitamin Deficiencies…
If your dog is not getting proper vitamins when eating his food, it may be the reason your dog’s lips are becoming dried out…
A lack of vitamins, particularly folate, and riboflavin (B9 and B2), usually tend to be the problem…
Both of these are sold in the form of oral supplements, however before you give any supplements to your dog, be sure to discuss the issue with a veterinarian…
Lack Of Humidity – Dry Climate…
Another common cause of chapped lips in dogs is a lack of humidity in the climate. Depending on where you live, there may not be enough moisture in the air…
For example, I live in Las Vegas right in the middle of the desert, and it gets incredibly hot and dry during the summer…
This can negatively impact your dog’s skin, lips, and nose, and it’s something you should be aware of for many reasons associated with the health of your pup.
For a dog to have healthy skin, he or she needs to stay hydrated. This is especially true if you live in a hot and dry climate…
But truth be told, your dog can easily become dehydrated in any climate. So be sure that you’re giving your pup plenty of water regardless of where you live.
Another environmental factor that can cause dry lips in dogs is allergies. Allergens in the air can cause your dog’s lips to become irritated…
And this is more likely to be the culprit if your dog’s nose is also being affected by dryness.
Toys Made From Jute…
Jute is a fiber that can be spun into coarse threads, and some dog toys, such as tugs, are made from it because it’s a fairly affordable and strong material…
The problem is that Jute can be a bit abrasive on your dog’s mouth, and it may be a cause for dry or chapped lips.
Health Conditions…
There are many medical conditions that can cause dryness in your dog’s lips, and one of the most common is lip fold dermatitis which should be diagnosed and treated by a veterinarian.
Dog Lip Fold Dermatitis – What Is It?
Before getting into some ways you can heal your dog’s chapped lips from home, it’s important to rule out a couple of medical conditions called Lip Fold Dermatitis and Pyoderma…
Lip Fold Dermatitis and Pyoderma are the two most common forms of dermatitis, and they’re both commonly confused with one another…
Both of these conditions have the word “derma”, which is the Latin word for “skin”, but there are several important differences between them…
Lip Fold Dermatitis is, at the very core, an inflammation of the skin. In fact, whenever you see the ending “itis” it means there is inflammation…
It can be caused by a buildup of bacteria and yeast that occurs when an area has excessive moisture, such as your dog’s mouth and lips…
And if your dog has a face lined with folds or wrinkles because of his breed, he is more susceptible to these irritations…
Although similar, Pyoderma actually refers to a skin disease. Dogs with Pyoderma experience a similar form of irritation as they would with Lip Fold Dermatitis, but they also have a skin disease…
One telltale sign of Pyoderma is when you see the formation of pus, and if you suspect that your dog has either Lip Fold Dermatitis or Pyoderma be sure to contact a veterinarian to discuss the issue…
Lip Fold Dermatitis – Causes, Signs, And Susceptibility…
Lip Fold Dermatitis is actually quite common, and being able to recognize the signs of this condition is vital for the health of your dog…
But before we get into the signs that indicate your dog may have Lip Fold Dermatitis, let’s talk a little bit more about the actual causes of the condition…
What Causes Lip Fold Dermatitis?
As the name suggests, this condition deals with the accumulation of added moisture to the folds along a dog’s face and lips…
What happens is a buildup of saliva and food particles tends to accumulate in this area and that causes causing bacteria and yeast to dwell…
Aside from that, Lip Fold Dermatitis can also be caused by your dog’s skin rubbing against itself…
For example, there’s more movement of skin for a dog that has folds around its mouth, and this can add irritation and possibly infection if left unaddressed for too long.
Signs And Symptoms Of Lip Fold Dermatitis…
There are several symptoms that may indicate your dog has Lip fold Dermatitis. Here are some of the most commonly seen signs of the condition…
- Irritation around the lips: The lining of your dog’s lips will have reddened coloration, as well as the addition of more moisture than on an average day.
- Unpleasant smell: You may notice rather terrible odor.
- Scabbing or Ulcers: As the condition gets worse, you may notice scabs or ulcers forming around your dog’s mouth.
- Discoloration of fur: The fur around your dog’s mouth may become a redish, brown or black color because of the yeast or bacteria mixing with his saliva.
- Behavioral changes: Lip Fold Dermatitis is uncomfortable, so you’ll most likely see an increase in scratching the irritated area. Your dog may also tend to smack his lips together as a way to ease the pain.
If you suspect that your dog may have Lip Fold Dermatitis be sure to contact a veterinarian immediately…
Is Your Dog Likely To Get Lip Fold Dermatitis?
Some dog breeds have a much higher risk of Lip Fold Dermatitis than others. Typically, breeds that have saggy folds of skin have the greatest chance of developing the condition…
Some of these breeds include…
- St. Bernards
- Bloodhounds
- Bulldogs
- Neapolitan Mastiffs
- Shar Pei
- Springer Spaniels
That being said, there are many other breeds that can suffer from this condition, especially in the area of their lower jaw.
How Is Lip Fold Dermatitis Treated?
As I mentioned earlier, there may be a buildup of either bacteria or yeast within the folds of your dog’s lips…
If you suspect that your dog has Lip Fold Dermatitis, you’ll want to contact a veterinarian…
If the vet determines that you need to bring your pup in for a visit, he or she will examine the area and perhaps take a fungal or bacterial culture before determining what to do next…
If the vet finds that there is no infection, he or she might direct you to use an anti-bacterial shampoo…
But if a fungal infection or a bacterial infection of the skin is found, the vet will probably require medicated treatment in the form of a prescribed ointment or antibiotics…
It’ll also be important to help your dog heal from home by doing things like cleaning the lip fold areas, especially after your dog eats, and shaving the hair in the problem area to keep it dry.
Ways To Heal Your Dog’s Chapped Lips From Home…
If your dog has chapped lips that are not associated with medical issues like Lip Fold Dermatitis, there are several remedies that you can try at home…
It is always best to talk to a veterinarian before trying any home remedies on your dog…
But if the vet gives you the go-ahead, here are some of the home remedies you might try…
Include Oil In Your Dog’s Food…
If your dog is suffering from chapped lips, one of the things you can do is add a little bit of oil to his or her food…
Adding 1 tablespoon of oil could help moisturize your dog’s skin due to the fatty acids within it, and some of the oils you can use include…
- fish oil
- krill oil
- flaxseed oil
- coconut oil
Make Sure Your Dog Drinks Plenty Of Water…
This might sound simple, but always make sure your dog has plenty of water to keep him or her hydrated…
This is especially important if you live in a dry climate, but regardless of where you live, making sure your dog is not dehydrated will help heal his chapped lips.
Try Dog Lip Balm…
There are several dog lip balms and dog chapsticks that can be found online today. It’s best to avoid human chapstick because you do want your dog licking or ingesting some of the ingredients…
But getting a chapstick designed and created for dogs will go a long way to healing his chapped lips.
Sidebar: It’s a good idea to avoid putting Vaseline on your dog’s lips or nose. Even though it is considered non-toxic for dogs, Vaseline can cause vomiting and diarrhea if your dog ingests it.
And since it’s highly likely that your dog will lick Vaseline if it’s put on his chapped lips, it’s just a good idea to avoid it, especially when there are so many doggie chapsticks that will not cause those problems.
Final Thoughts…
Our dogs are a part of our family, and it’s up to us dog parents to make sure that they are healthy and happy…
So if your dog has chapped lips be sure to investigate the cause. If the problem is a medical one such as Lip Fold Dermatitis be sure to contact a veterinarian about your pup…
But if the problem is just the result of a hot climate and maybe not drinking quite enough water, try out some of the home remedies to get your dog’s dry lips back in tip-top shape.