Alternatives To Trifexis [Top 7 List]…

alternatives to trifexis

My dogs are like children to me…

And I’m sure that when it comes to your fur baby’s health, you can never be too careful as well…

Sometimes, the medication that your vet recommends can end up being a little scary. For example, Trifexis is a popular anti-worm and flea drug for dogs…

But it does have the potential for some pretty scary side effects (even though they seem to be rare)…

Because of that, many doggie parents have questions like: Are there any alternatives to Trifexis? Or is that the only medication you can get to treat your dog’s worms and fleas?

Well, the answer to that question is no, and in the article, we’re going to discuss some of the most popular options you can use in place of Trifexis…

Let’s get started!

What Will Help You And Your Dog Most…?

Alternatives To Trifexis…

Trifexis is a prescription dog medication taken orally to treat parasites in the intestines and other pests such as fleas. Some of the commercial alternatives include Sentinel, Nexgard & Heartgard Plus, Frontline, Comfortis, Bravecto, and Simparica Trio. Aside from that, there are some natural alternatives such as Apple Cider Vinegar and Petguard Yeast And Garlic…

Some of these alternatives have anti-parasitic properties and some of them are just for getting rid of pests like fleas and ticks…

So because of that, we’ll need to take a closer look at each of these options, but before doing that, let’s make sure you have a clear understanding of what exactly Trifexis is…

What Does Trifexis Do For Dogs?

As I mentioned before, Trifexis is a medication that treats things like roundworm, hookworm, and whipworm in dogs and kills fleas and ticks…

It comes in a tablet that is beef-flavored and chewable, making it fairly easy to give to your dog orally…

trifexis alternative over the counter

It also helps prevent your dog from getting heartworm disease, and from getting fleas and ticks in the future…

Even though they’re rare, it is possible for your dog to experience side effects after taking Trifexis…

Some of the side effects that dogs have experienced after taking Trifexis include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of energy or Lethargy
  • Reddening of the inner ear
  • Reddening of the skin
  • Itching
  • Irritation or inflammation of the skin

If your dog takes Trifexis and starts to experience any of these symptoms, you should contact a veterinarian immediately…

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Top 7 Commercial Trifexis Alternatives…


Is a very similar medication to Trifexis. In fact, it protects your dog against the same parasites, which include…

It comes in a pork-flavored tablet, and just like Trifexis, it requires a prescription before getting it…

Trifexis Vs Sentinel…

Even though Trifexis and Sentinel achieve the same goals, they do work in different ways. For example, Trifexis kills adult fleas very quickly before they have a chance to reproduce…

However, Sentinel works by using Lufenuron which prevents flea eggs from being able to hatch in the first place…

If you think Sentinel will work better than Trifexis for your dog, you should discuss it with a veterinarian to get an expert option…

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Nexgard And Heartgard Plus Combo…


Nexgard is a very popular medicine used to kill ticks and fleas in dogs. It comes in the form of a beef-flavored tablet and includes an ingredient called Afoxolaner…

sentinel for dogs

After your dog eats the tablet, the Afoxolaner goes through his or her body, and if fleas and ticks bite your dog, they will be killed due to the drug…

Most fleas and ticks will die within an hour of your dog ingesting Nexgard, but keep in mind that Nexgard is very different from Trifexis because it does not protect against worms…

Heartgard Plus…

Heartgard Plus is a product that, like Trifexis, can treat intestinal worms like roundworms and hookworms and it can also prevent heartworm disease…

Even though Heartgard Plus does a great job against worms, it is not intended to protect your dog from fleas and ticks…

Because of that, it is very popular to combine Nexgard and Heartgard Plus, and for many doggie parents, it’s considered one of the best alternatives to Trifexis that is currently available…

Keep in mind that both Nexgard and Heartgard Plus require a prescription from a vet…

And if you think a combination of Nexgard and Heartgard Plus will work better than Trifexis for your dog, you should consult a veterinarian for a professional opinion…

Worried About Your Dog’s Health? Click Here To Get Answers From A Verified Vet In Minutes (24/7)!


Frontline is a medicine used to protect your dog from things like fleas, ticks, and lice. Unlike Trifexis, it comes in the form of a topical cream…

And it can also repel mosquitoes which can carry heartworms and transmit them when they bite a dog…

It is not a treatment if your dog has heartworms, but it can help prevent heartworm disease in your dog…

On top of that, Frontline is available without getting a prescription from a vet so it’s a great Trifexis alternative that’s over the counter in terms of flea protection.


Comfortis is another doggie medicine that can be used to kill fleas and to prevent flea infestations. It also comes in a beef-flavored tablet making it easy to give to your dog…

trifexis vs bravecto

And it can start killing fleas in as little as 30 minutes once it’s been ingested. As with some of the other alternatives, it does not protect your dog against worms…

So you’ll have to acquire that protection for your dog from another source, and Comfortis will require a prescription from a vet. 


Bravecto is another medication used to protect your dog against fleas. There are Bravecto Chewable tablets that are pork-flavored…

And there is also a Bravecto topical solution that you can use to protect your dog as well. Like some of the other options, Bravecto does not protect your dog against intestinal worms…

But it works fast against fleas, and it will also require a prescription from a vet. 

Simparica Trio…

Simparica Trio is another prescription medication that can protect your dog against heartworm disease, hookworms, roundworms, fleas, and ticks…

It comes in a liver-flavored tablet and is considered a highly efficacious anti-parasitic in dogs…

It differs from Trifexis because it offers protection against flea larvae as well as adult fleas, and it’s another option that will require a prescription from a vet…

If you’d like to talk to a vet about the benefits of Simparica Trio vs Trifexis, just click the link below…

Worried About Your Dog’s Health? Click Here To Get Answers From A Verified Vet In Minutes (24/7)!

Are There Any Natural Alternatives To Trifexis?

There are some natural alternatives to Trifexis. Some of these options are home remedies and others you can find in your local pet store or online…

Petguard Yeast And Garlic Wafers…

As the name implies, Petguard Yeast And Garlic wafers allow your dog to consume a safe amount of yeast and garlic…

This is important because yeast and garlic can help treat your dog if he or she has fleas, and it can also prevent them in the first place…

You can feed the wafers directly to your dog or crack them up and sprinkle them into your dog’s food making them easy to give to your pup.

Apple Cider Vinegar…

Another natural remedy for getting rid of ticks and fleas is Apple Cider Vinegar. It seems as though fleas don’t like the taste or smell of Apple Cider Vinegar…

And because of that, there are many who believe you can use it to repel them. You can give it to your dog by adding 1 or 2 tablespoons per quart to your dog’s water bowl…

cheap trifexis

Or you can actually spray it on to your dog’s fur directly. There is some debate as to whether or not Apple Cider Vinegar actually does work at repelling fleas or not…

But if you tend to prefer natural remedies and healing, it may be something you can try.

Only Natural Pet HW Protect Herbal Formula…

Only Natural Pet HW Protect Herbal Formula is a herbal alternative to the commercial heartworm treatments that were mentioned above…

It works by using herbs to kill microfilariae (or baby worms), and it also helps reduce the chance of mosquito bites, which is a common way that dogs can acquire worms…

It comes in a liquid formula that can be mixed with a dropper directly into your dog’s food. 

What Will Help You And Your Dog Most…?

Final Thoughts…

If you’re unhappy with Trifexis or you’re nervous about your dog having side effects after using it, there are a number of other options available to you…

One of the most popular alternatives is a combination of Nexgard and Heartgard Plus, but there are many other options available to you as well…

I recommend that you discuss the issue with your dog’s veterinarian, as he or she will be in the best position to determine which option is right for your dog.